MCBA Program brings up the needs with the correct solution and guarantees through:
- Time effective and cost Efficiency
- Fit the needs of organization, project, and employee
- Compatible with internationally recognized standards
- Qualification and Certification
So MCBA has been designed to be an integrated qualification solution that provides the business analysis specialty in multi-levels in depending on the nature of the needs of an organization, project, and employee:
- Organization need to have business analysis practitioners,
- Project need to recruit different levels of business analysts, and
- Employee need for career development and certification.
Usually, any project recruits business analysis practitioners of different levels of experience, to perform different types of activities, some of them focus on the BA methodology, others on the requirements and designs, and others on solutions. And every project at least needs one expert business analyst to manage whole the project activities throughout the enterprise.
MCBA as a qualification and certification program accepts both the BA Practitioners and the Beginners,
- It provides a collection of basic training courses to prepare the aspiring people for entering the business analysis career.
- It has an evaluation system to test the practitioner experience, determine his level, and allow him to join the program, take the exams and gain the experience certifications.